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Faeries Oracle

Card 28 - Penelope Dreamweaver

Inspiration. Magical dreams. Visions.

Weaver of dreams, bringer of visions, muse of artistic inspiration, Penelope weaves tapestries in the mind with threads of light, color, and sound. When she comes to us in dreams, we waken under her enchantment and rush for our paints or clay or other forms of expression.

In this painting, Brian has shown us Penelope, his own Inspiration Faery, but we each have an one who is more than willing to help us. Mine says to call her Grace because, she says, she isn't exactly someone I deserve just someone I'm lucky enough to have in my life. She plays hard at inspiring me, as does Penelope with Brian. Penelope says she is very pleased with Brian's results of her inspirations, but when I looked hopefully at Grace to see what she thinks about me, she just shrugs her shoulders. Then she flashes me a wicked grin, so I think it is all right. Inspiration faeries like their jobs, but they get really bored when people don't pay attention to them. Then they sit around and file their fingernails while they think troublesome and mischievous thoughts. Sometimes they get exasperated enough to send us nightmares in an attempt to get us to wake up!

These faeries and their sisters, the Faeries of Expression, work together as teams, helping us in our creative endeavors. The Faeries of Inspiration sprinkle us with special inspirational faery dust so that we come up with ideas. "Rather like fertilizing a plant, and you know what plants are fertilized with," Grace says. Then, their sisters, the Faeries of Expression, help us to give form to our creativity, manifesting it with our own particular talents.

Starter Reading

Seek visions and inspiration. Be aware that they are often subtle and require close attention. Fantasies, dreams, and daydreams are all places an Inspiration Faery can contact us, but she can also pop up unannounced in the midst of the most ordinary of activities - in the bath, washing the dishes, driving the car, or anywhere else that our mind is half occupied and half running on idle. Pay special attention to unsought inspirations at this time. They have something wonderful to offer you, but it is up to you to catch them and bring them into reality.


You may feel that your creative expression is blocked or even dead. You may have been trying too hard, working too hard. This is a time to back off and do the things that renew and inspire you. Cut loose from the mundane world and give yourself tine to enjoy your own fantasies and dreams. Then, choose what you want to bring into manifestation and begin to create it, even if you think you can't: Creation is one of the primary factors in the maintenance of sanity. Humor is another. So if you produce laughable results, you get two benefits for the one effort.

Alternatively, you may have been ignoring your Inspiration Faery's prompting, turning away from your own creativity. When we deny expression to our creative impulses, our creative energy tends to sour within us, causing problems with health, relationships, and other aspects of life. Denial of the possibilities put forth by our creative imaginations or allowing only the destructive possibilities of creativity to be considered are also serious problems, as is a refusal to learn from our dreams. Perhaps someone in this state of denial or blocking is also discouraging our creative impulses - or perhaps we are doing it to ourselves or others. If the first, the querent must learn to disregard this bad influence. If the second, an immediate change of attitude is urgently needed at this time.

Interestingly, Penelope and Grace tell me that whining about the "unfairness" of life instead of doing something to make it better is also linked with and a symptom of the suppression of one's creative energies.

Faery Guides and Guardians